Saturday, June 27, 2009

:: Muhammad Abdul Aziz a.k.a Jermain Jackson ::

Pagi ni aku saja search kat youtube pasal Jermain Jackson. Those yg tak tau..Jermain ni adalah abang kepada MJ yang telahpun memeluk Islam. Dalam video ni beliau menceritakan macam mana beliau masuk Islam...cerita mengenai pengalaman beliau menjadi seorang Muslim...Macamana beliau influence (mempengaruhi) MJ untuk masuk Islam (Beliau beli buku byk2 kat Mekah dan hadiahkan kepada MJ).
Yang ni pulak news mengenai Michael Jackson masuk Islam... tiba aku teringat last video die masa dia announce last performance die kat London "Thank you all...This is it...i just wanna say that i urm......that this.....this will be my final show performances in London...this will be it..this is it..when i say this is it..its really means this is it..because.......dia diam jer masa ni......i'll be performing the song my fans wanna hear..this is the final...curtain call...and i'll c u in JULY.."he left unknown what he's trying to tell us...He knew he will be leaving us...forever....)
"THIS IS IT"-MJ in Memories....1958-2009

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